Complex tracking circuit design (Rozbudowany układ śledzenia obiektów) - str. 2 - GOOGLE - NAWIGACJA SATELITARNA - GPS - GOOGLE EARTH - GSM - APLIKACJE MOBILNE - MIKROKONTROLERY - GPRS - MICROSOFT.NET - CTCD - TRIANGULACJA
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Complex tracking circuit design (Rozbudowany układ śledzenia obiektów)

Software layer

Data preparation process

Complex Tracking Circuit Design is equipped with multi-purpose software application, used to calculate and present data uploaded from GSM satellites system. Every device, which supports GSM and SIM card standards, is supported by the program.

Application lets user to upload multiple SMS messages into PC memory, by connecting GSM device with computer supplied with Microsoft Windows operating system. CTCD software requires connection made within COM interface (Serial Port or USB) to detect specified device. Using many instances of application on different PCs is simplified by script, which lets user to choose optimal port from only physically existing COM interfaces [9].

CTCD software decodes data uploaded from SIM card and calculates every NMEA parameter into decimal format. This information in presented in simplified form in application window. User might compare it with original $GPGGA command, which is also visible as on screen data [10]. Information stored in decimal format is used to generate specific http links, required by Google API systems. Created links include location information (coordinates) and additional parameters used in visualization process.

Main window of CTC D Application (Główne okno aplikacji CTC D)

Fig. 3. Main window of CTC D Application (Główne okno aplikacji CTC D)

Visual Presentation

Data converted into decimal type information is used to present localization in graphical form. Application uses Google API technology to download specific maps, objects, roads and points, depending on chosen type of visual rendering [11]. Use of Google technology requires active Internet connection. Data downloaded by this protocol are temporally stored in default location on computers hard drive.

CTCD software allows user to choose visual presentation method. In first step of graphical rendering, operator specifies type of used API. Application supports standard Google Maps API and 3D Google Earth API [12, 13]. By using first mode, it is possible to apply additional filters [14]. Program has built-in ability to read more than one location information, stored on uploaded SIM card memory. This feature lets API to apply multiple coordinates onto map [15]. Another option uses calculated points to draw exact road taken by object analyzed with tracking device [16].

Important application feature is known as intelligent move prediction system. This option is used to calculate estimated points, where analyzed object should appear in future. Script takes into consideration parameters such as: exact time and coordinates of every past data, calculated speed and direction taken by the suspect, road estimated with past created point tags. Result is shown on map rendered into JPG format, which is requested from Google Maps server [17]. Future versions of presented application, might support animation mode for data visualization needs.

In case of user choosing Google Maps 3D API, software would present similar filter options as in standard Google Maps example. Main difference is type of presentation. In three dimensional mode, every point and road would be shown in isometric view with ability to change this camera position manually by the user. CTCD software uses JavaScript plug-in to operate with Google Maps 3D API, which enables full support for 3D models and high resolution textures. Every building existing in Google system will be shown in CTCD application.

Application is compatible with .NET platform and Microsoft Windows operating system. 

Conclusion (podsumownie)

Complex Tracking Circuit Design is representing modern solution in wireless localization and navigation industry sector. Project shows that even simple devices, low-cost products are able to serve as competitive tracking platforms. Fitting receiver with GSM technology makes them compatible with SIM cards and CTCD dedicated software.

Different visualization rendering modes (Przykładowe tryby wizualizacji wyników)

Fig. 4. Different visualization rendering modes (Przykładowe tryby wizualizacji wyników)

Project is enhanced with Google Technology. By using two and three dimensional APIs systems, it is possible to take advantage of many overlays and filters applied in CTCD application. Software lets user to choose multiple different options and render graphic visualization in expected configuration.

Complex Tracking Circuit Design is ready, precision navigation solution, that works without dedicated receiver. Non-commercial software, backed with API Google Maps technology allows to render position of tracked object in graphical form with no cost.

Project presents simple device, that may find many possible applications in areas such as people localization, objects and animal protection, parcel tracking or traffic control. When it is combined with additional measuring devices, like thermometer, gas sensor etc., telemetry solutions also become possible. Device might be also applied in control circuits in modern mobile robots [18].

CTCD lets every user to take advantage of GSM and GPS technologies in any solution, which requires knowledge of information covering road taken by analyzed object, time of arrival at exact points and predicting next moves of defined suspects.

This project should present good alternative for low-budget sector needs. It generates advanced location and navigation information and lets user to control specified unit just by placing dedicated tracking device in right place [19]. Complex GPS and GSM information solution is now simple and precise enough to become product, that makes life easier and work more efficient.

The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of S.K.I.M. department at Poznan University of Technology in making valuable suggestions in improving the contentof this paper.

Author: dr inż. Janusz Pochmara, inż. Jakub Pałasiewicz, inż. Piotr Szablata, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland

References (literatura):

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